Thursday, December 16, 2010

beautiful trearddur bay,

I saw alot of places during my four month stint in Europe this past year. The Eiffel Tower, Trevi Fountain, Cliffs of Moher, you name it, and yet some of my most cherished memories come from the time I spent with my grandmother in Trearddur Bay, Wales. Trearddur Bay is a gem of a town located south of Holyhead on the island of Angelesey, Wales. Yes, the very island that Prince William and his bride-to-be Kate Middleton are said to be taking up residence. After a whirlwind of an adventure, Trearddur Bay provided me with some much needed family time in what I believe to be one of the most stunning places in the world. It was on this island that we splashed in the sparkling water, practiced yoga poses on the cliffs and wandered the seaside for hours on end. Trearddur Bay gives off the most incredibly inviting, rural feel, and makes time feel like it’s standing still. The lush green grass, crystal clear ocean and tiny violet flowers scattered about the cliffs was such a refreshing change from the past months of bustling cities and constant commotion.

Whether you are looking for a pleasant family vacation or a mini getaway in your travel plans, Trearddur Bay will not disappoint. The main beach in Trearddur Bay, with it’s spotlessly clean white sand and beach that seems to go on forever, is perfect for families, friends, and solo travellers alike. This beach is the ideal spot if you just want to relax and bask in the sun. During my time spent there, the weather was hotter than Spain, Greece and Italy! If day trips are able to weave into your plans, South Stock Cliffs and Lighthouse is a nice place to spend a chunk of your day. With a small cafe to shelter you on windy days, an indoor bird-watching post, the lighthouse itself, and numerous trails on the hilly terrain above, there is something for everyone. The bird-watching area allows you to view nesting birds in the summer months, including puffins, razorbills and guillemots. To get to the lighthouse, you must take a small trek down an intimidating amount of stairs, but that’s the easy part. It’s climbing the stairs back up that can be exhausting! But the view from the top of the lighthouse is well worth the sore muscles. If your travelling heart desires a bit of a different scene than the island, Trearddur Bay is close to the ferry port that provides travellers access between Angelesey and Dublin, Ireland for a reasonable price!


However, if you are a bit more on the adventurous side and are thinking that Trearddur Bay just might not be the place for you, read on. Trearddur Bay offers a variety of outdoor activities including horseback riding, walking trails, surfing, diving and fishing. The 125 mile trail that goes right the way around the island of Angelesey, called the Angelesey Coastal Path, is an incredible place to walk. The combination of the crashing waves, jagged cliffs, green grass and blue skies create a wondrous sense of peace. Don’t be alarmed by the occassional fighter jets that pass by noisily overhead, as a training base is located nearby. While I wasn’t lucky enough to test out the diving opportunities or the surfing that Trearddur Bay offers, I have heard nothing but wonderful things about both. In fact, along the coastline in and around Trearddur Bay are one hundred wrecks to be explored in the clear waters. That’s right, one hundred!

I spent my final night perched at the edge of one of the cliffs, journal by my side as I gazed at one of the most mesmerizing sunsets I have ever experienced. In those moments I swore to one day return to this magical island. For those who fall in love with this island and are lucky enough to do so, as my Grandma has been, there are two different caravan sites where you can purchase your own caravan spot to have as a permanent vacation home. Both sites are located walking distance to the main beach and town itself. I encourage anyone looking for a quiet, relaxing getaway to give Trearddur Bay a go. It captured a special place in my heart and I’m sure it will sneak its’ way into yours as well.

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